ADN level of material that covers all the required areas of pharmacology for the 2 year program. It is a "need to know" without getting bogged down in the "nice to know." Glossary is easy to use, There are some newer medications and new classes of drugs missing that make the book somewhat dates.
Pharmacology Book By Murugesh Pdf Free Download
Tony Guerra who wrote Memorizing Pharmacology uses this book in his podcasts and evidently his classes. His review of the critical thinking excercises from each chapter are really a valuable asset to the book. Pairing the two resources, I have found is an excellent way of covering pharmacology.
The Nursing Pharmacology OER by the Wisconsin Technical College System authored by Chippewa Valley Technical College is comprehensive for entry level nursing students that covers areas aligned with our curriculum and end of program student learning outcomes in pharmacology. The Table of Content was easy to read and well organized. Each chapter covered the learning objectives, an introduction, basic concepts and principles, medication types, effects, considerations and safety in preparation and administration, module learning activities and interactive activities, critical thinking activities and a glossary. Answer keys were provided at the end of the book. The references were evidenced-based and comprehensive.
This book is definitely a good resource for the first semester nursing students taking up pharmacology for the first time as well as graduate nurses seeking to review topics covered in the various chapters. The length of each chapter and subsections were not so lengthy to lose the interest of the reader, making it easy to understand and remember.
The language and glossary helped the reader to have a clear understanding of the technical terminology in pharmacology. The table of content and organization of topics were clearly mapped out. The book was easy to read and understand specially for first year nursing students as well as advancing students in nursing.
The book is comprehensive throughout. The glossary and index make it easy to find subject matter. Most of the general material that I typically cover in my pharmacology course is covered within this textbook, though some specifics are more
The book is comprehensive throughout. The glossary and index make it easy to find subject matter. Most of the general material that I typically cover in my pharmacology course is covered within this textbook, though some specifics are missing (i.e. Types of oral medications and definitions of different portions of the formulary or more examples of different drug types)
I thought this book was a valuable resource. My biggest advice would be to include some more about the basics of pharmacology, including more on safe medication administration. Include drug formulation and more about standardization. Go into some pharmacological history, and how drugs are developed as well. Understanding development can be the basis of understanding drugs. In the future, if it could be linked with an OER drug guide for more medication profiles and examples, that would assist students greatly.
This textbook is designed for entry-level undergraduate nursing students as a basic comprehensive pharmacology textbook. The book includes links to DailyMed for reference to information about medications from the National Library more
This textbook is designed for entry-level undergraduate nursing students as a basic comprehensive pharmacology textbook. The book includes links to DailyMed for reference to information about medications from the National Library of Medicine/National Institutes of Health. Each chapter starts with learning objectives. Quizzes are found in each chapter with the answers and rationales provided at the end of the text. Critical thinking activities and interactive activities are included. A glossary is found at the end of each chapter. The source is comprehensive for an introductory nursing pharmacology text.
Any nursing pharmacology textbook would require frequent updating due to the rapid dynamic state of the topic. The Nursing Pharmacology textbook is up to date. Due to the comprehensiveness of the text, it will be a project to update, but doable.
The Nursing Pharmacology textbook is free of culturally insensitive language or biases. The examples used are diverse. Names used in the case examples could be more inclusive of a variety of cultures.
This open access Nursing Pharmacology textbook is designed for entry-level undergraduate nursing students. It explains basic concepts of pharmacology and describes common medication classes. This book is not intended to be used as a drug reference book, but direct links are provided to DailyMed, which provides trustworthy information about marketed drugs in the United States.
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